Working From Home: Best Practices

Working Remotely, Work From Home, Working From Home, Remote Work, Home Office

Recently make the change to a remote work environment? Experiencing a change in the workplace can be jarring, but with the right tools, you can turn the situation around! A positive mindset and a proper gameplan make all the difference in the work from home journey. Here are some tips on how to tackle the transition to working remotely here at Gran Ciudad Nuevo Sur.


Set Aside Space for a Home Office


How productive you are during a typical workday has a lot to do with the work setting you choose. While at home, avoiding the trap of working from your bed will help keep you focused and won’t disrupt your sleep. Instead, create your own home office and get inspired! You can set up shop by a sunny window for gorgeous views of Monterrey to brighten you during the workflow. Here are some more suggestions on how to get your home office organized.


Make a Work From Home Routine


Without the time clock to keep you in check, losing track of your time while staying at home is common. You must tweak your previous schedule and create a new work from home routine to stay on top of your tasks! To begin, your remote work schedule should include unmoveable wake-up and clock-out times. This way, you keep the same level of structure you had while you were commuting to work. You can adjust according to your personal night owl or early bird tendencies! Here are some more helpful tips on making a schedule for working from home.


Take Healthy Breaks When Needed


With more time opening up in the day, you might feel tempted to occupy the empty spaces with more work. But try not to overwork yourself! You’re human, and regular breaks keep you healthy and motivated in the workday. There are a number of ways you can make sure you’re recharging. Try out strengthening yoga poses in between tasks, indulge in your full lunch hour, and utilize the 20-20-20 rule to combat eye strain from the computer screen.


Using these guidelines, your work from home routine will run a lot more smoothly! How are you planning on tackling your transition to remote work? Let us know in the comments!